We just completed the re-design of the Studio City Neighborhood Council site. Looks amazing on iPads. http://studiocitync.org @StudioCityNC
We just completed the re-design of the Studio City Neighborhood Council site. Looks amazing on iPads. http://studiocitync.org @StudioCityNC
Is your current website Search Engine Optimized to show up at or near the top of Google searches? If you’ve ever tried Google Adwords, then you will know how expensive it can become. Instead of paying Google hand over fist for Adwords, why not optimize your website so that it ranks higher in Google search results? Some […]
Concept To Web builds clean, cost-efficient websites that are easy to maintain. How easy is it for you to update and maintain your website? Is your current website Search Engine Optimized to show up at or near the top of Google searches? Is your site responsive? Does it re-arrange itself to fit the device and screen size it is being view […]
Almost everybody these days wants a mobile version of their website. It’s practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle — and all screen resolutions must be compatible, too. In the next five years, we’ll likely need to design for a number of additional inventions. When […]
For a while now, I've been wanting to completely re-do the Concept To Web website. Strangely enough, every time I had an opportunity to re-design the site, I would get hired to build someone else's. All the new customers were great for business, so I went with it. But now it is time. Time to […]