October 16, 2014

How Much Should You Charge?

If you're a freelancer, you've probably caught yourself scratching your head too many times while pondering over a particular question. Which question, you ask? Oh, you know it very well! Remember the times a client asked you to state your proposal for a design project and you had to name a price? Yes, that question! So, how did you set your price? Did you ask Google, your friends, or just named what you've charged in the past just to get over with it?

How Much Should You Charge?

Whatever the price you named was, it might have not been a reasonable amount for that particular project. Remember, the pricing is all about your time and energy invested in the work, and you are not a robot. You're a human being with your own set of motivation, values and feelings. There are some things you'll happily do but never ask for money, and then there are thingsyou wouldn't do for a million bucks. Stop asking Google for the answer and start including yourself in the picture. Just answer 5 questions to know how much you should charge. It's high timeyou started pricing like a pro!

Concept To Web builds clean, cost-efficient websites that are easy to maintain. We also maintain clients' sites if asked.
(818) 613-8261

Proudly Serving West Valley Small Businesses in Surprise, Peoria, Goodyear, Avondale, Verrado, Sun City, and Waddell, AZ
