Guaranteed to make you laugh 🙂 BuzzSpice Photos
Guaranteed to make you laugh 🙂 BuzzSpice Photos
Test Run: Facebook's New News Feed Check this article! What do you think? BuzzSpice Photos
Facebook facelift: The new News Feed Facebook facelift: The new News Feed
Twitter and the (not so) subtle art of literary self-promotion Check this article! What do you think? BuzzSpice Photos
Y Combinator-Backed GetGoing Helps You Find Big Discounts On Airfare — If You Let It Choose The Destination | TechCrunch We think you should take a look at this article. Y Combinator-Backed GetGoing Helps You Find Big Discounts On Airfare — If You Let It Choose The Desttcrn.chSure, socially-powered recommendations or good old-fashioned serendipity can […]
Here's an article worth sharing. Google Glass: the scientists behind Google's augmented reality glasses - Telegraph BuzzSpice Photos
Pi Day Song (Music Video) Song about Pi. This is a school project for Pi Day!!!!!!
Google Kills Reader, Hits a Nerve Google announced late Thursday that it will kill its Reader tool, and people did not take it so well.
What you 'like' on Facebook can be revealing Researchers reported analyzing the likes of more than 58,000 American Facebook users to make guesses about their personalities and behavior, and even whether they drank, smoked, or did drugs. When researchers crunched the "like" data and compared their results to answers given in the pers…
Check this out! Facebook 'Likes' reveal more about you than you think BuzzSpice Photos
Google+ Sign-In Sounds Simple For Users, But Lacks The Personal Info And Distribution Developers Need | TechCrunch Have you seen this article? What are your thoughts? Google+ Sign-In Sounds Simple For Users, But Lacks The Personal Info And Distribution Developers Neetcrn.chGrowth, to reach more users, and data, to improve the experience. That's what apps need […]
Web Design 101: Development Basics This wee, in our third episode of Web Design 101, an in-depth case study on how to create a web site, Jose and Aure go over tools like CSS and WordPress that...
What Makes For Good Design? What makes for Good Web Design? This question has been asked since the beginning of the Web, and finally today we answer it along with special guest Aure Gimon
Chris Coyier: A Modern Web Designer's Workflow More and more is expected from today's web designers. Visual design is just one small part of the job. Those designs also need interaction. They need to work...
CSS3 Tutorial - Learn the Five Most Popular Attributes in CSS3 In this seven minute tutorial, Natalie will show you how to write the five most popular CSS3 attributes.
What is HTML5? A brief overview of HTML5. Video by Topic Simple ( Transcription: So, if you have been paying attention to chatter on the internet...
Introduction to HTML 5 Note: Higher quality version on Vimeo: Are you interested in HTML 5 and what's coming down the pipeline but haven't had time to read...
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As a Valentine’s Day present of sorts, Adobe announced the release of a handful of new Web design and development tools for its Creative Cloud suite earlier today. This includes updates to the Adobe Edge Animate and Dreamweaver programs, but the real star of the show is the Adobe Edge Reflow responsive design tool. Edge Reflow will […]